


 产品特性 Product features :   热塑性光学胶膜,UV固化热熔胶膜,贴合热熔胶膜,光学热熔胶膜,OCA热熔胶,全贴合热熔胶膜,透明热熔胶膜,亚克力玻璃贴合热熔胶膜,常温固态无粘性、高温可流   动、UV 下可固化的新一代光学透明胶;  改变传统 OCA 和 LOCA 的贴合方式,可返工,在大尺寸触控或液晶全贴合 , 领域具有高效率和高良率的特点,可降低生产成本和损耗。









Excellent performance of anti explosion, light transmission and humid weather
resistance, given a long term reliability for the liquid crystal and touch control screen

Especially applied to the bonding of large size capacitance screen, LCD module
or special filed.
2  推荐贴合工艺 Recommended process

构 产品结构 Product structure
重离型保护膜 玻璃或高分子盖板
轻离型保护膜 液晶面板、ITO 玻璃或其它
图 1 TOCF 产品结构图 图 2 TOCF 的用途
Figure 1 Product structure of TOCF Figure 2 Application of TOCF
Version 201702

图 使用工艺流程图 Process flow diagram
玻璃 /TOCF/ 玻璃层叠片
Glass/TOCF/Glass sandwich arrangement
检验不合格 消泡 UV 辐照固化
Open optical glue
Removing bubble UV curing
 预贴
件 推荐工艺条件 Recommonded process condition :
10.1 in (1.1mm  盖板,0.7mm  功能片)
 真空热压温度为 75~85℃,贴合压力为 0.2~0.4Mpa;贴合时间为 45S~90S。
Lamination temperature is 75~85℃,press pressure is 0.2~0.4Mpa,press time is 45~90S.
 脱泡温度为 70~75℃,脱泡压力为 0.2~0.4Mpa;脱泡时间为 20~30Min。
Air temperature is 70~75℃,air pressure is 0.2~0.4Mpa,Removing bubble is 20~30Min.
21.5 in (2.0-3.0mm  盖板,1.1mm  功能片)
 真空热压温度为 80~90℃,贴合压力为 0.3~0.5Mpa;贴合时间为 80S~130S。
Lamination temperature is 80~90℃,press pressure is 0.3~0.5Mpa,press time is 80~130S.
 脱泡温度为 70~75℃,脱泡压力为 0.2~0.6Mpa;脱泡时间为 20~30Min。
Air temperature is 70~75℃,air pressure is 0.3~0.6Mpa,Removing bubble is 20~30Min.
32 in (2.0-3.0mm  盖板,1.1mm  功能片)
 真空热压温度为 80~90℃,贴合压力为 0.3~0.5Mpa;贴合时间为 130S~220S。
Lamination temperature is 80~90℃,press pressure is 0.3~0.5Mpa,press time is 90~220S.
 脱泡温度为 70~75℃,脱泡压力为 0.2~0.6Mpa;脱泡时间为 20~30Min。
Air temperature is 70~75℃,air pressure is 0.3~0.6Mpa,Removing bubble is 20~30Min.
 贴合时间为真空贴合机加热面板与产品接触压合的时间。
The fitting time for vacuum laminator heating panel in contact with the product pressing time.
 UV 辐照 2500mj/cm2 以上性能较佳。
UV dose is more than 2500mj/cm2.
 UV 波长范围在 365nm.
The wavelength range of UV is 365nm.
3.  注意事项 Notice
 产品为 UV 固化型,需避免荧光灯、阳光、紫外线等光线照射;
Product is UV curing type, avoiding the radiation of fluorescent lamp、
sunlight and UV light.
 避免日晒、热源、置于阴凉处,贮存温度≤30℃,湿度≤60%;
Avoiding sunburn、heat resource, keep product in cool area, storage
temperature is less than 30℃, relative humidity is less than 60%;
 防潮防湿漏气,密封贮存;
Moisture proof and , and air leakage proof storage.
 远离火源、电源、保持通风;
Keep away from fire, power supply and keep ventilation.
 原始包装保质期 6 个月,避免挤压、破损,拆开包装后 1 个月内尽快使用完毕。
Shelflife is 6 months, avoiding squeezing and breakage. After open the
vacuum package, please used products as soon as possible within one month.


































深圳市中村電子材料有限公司 官網:www.szcdz.com 粤ICP备11003217号-3